
在Windows上的VMWare CentOS Linux上安裝OpenStack IceHouse 步驟2-1 基礎設定

-密碼最好用下表, 這樣就不需改範例指令.
-有 # 開頭的就是指令 Copy 貼上Terminal執行就可.
2. Basic environment configuration
This guide uses the convention that SERVICE_PASS is the password to access the service SERVICE and SERVICE_DBPASS is the database password used by the service SERVICE to access the database.
The complete list of passwords you need to define in this guide are:
Table 2.1. Passwords
Password nameDescription
Database password (no variable used) Root password for the database
KEYSTONE_DBPASS Database password of Identity service
DEMO_PASS Password of user demo
ADMIN_PASS Password of user admin
GLANCE_DBPASS Database password for Image Service
GLANCE_PASS Password of Image Service user glance
NOVA_DBPASS Database password for Compute service
NOVA_PASS Password of Compute service user nova
DASH_DBPASS Database password for the dashboard
CINDER_DBPASS Database password for the Block Storage service
CINDER_PASS Password of Block Storage service user cinder
NEUTRON_DBPASS Database password for the Networking service
NEUTRON_PASS Password of Networking service user neutron
HEAT_DBPASS Database password for the Orchestration service
HEAT_PASS Password of Orchestration service user heat
CEILOMETER_DBPASS Database password for the Telemetry service
CEILOMETER_PASS Password of Telemetry service user ceilometer
TROVE_DBPASS Database password of Database service
TROVE_PASS Password of Database Service user trove

Controller setup

Controller setup

On the controller node, install the MySQL client and server packages, and the Python library.
# yum install mysql mysql-server MySQL-python
The MySQL configuration requires some changes to work with OpenStack.
  • Edit the /etc/my.cnf file: 編輯此檔
    1. Under the [mysqld] section, set the bind-address key to the management IP address of the controller node to enable access by other nodes via the management network:
      bind-address =
    2. Under the [mysqld] section, set the following keys to enable InnoDB, UTF-8 character set, and UTF-8 collation by default:
      default-storage-engine = innodb
      collation-server = utf8_general_ci
      init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'
      character-set-server = utf8
Start the MySQL database server and set it to start automatically when the system boots:
# service mysqld start
# chkconfig mysqld on
Finally, you should set a root password for your MySQL database. The OpenStack programs that set up databases and tables prompt you for this password if it is set.
You must delete the anonymous users that are created when the database is first started. Otherwise, database connection problems occur when you follow the instructions in this guide. To do this, use the mysql_secure_installation command. Note that if mysql_secure_installation fails you might need to use mysql_install_db first:
# mysql_install_db
# mysql_secure_installation
If you have not already set a root database password, press ENTER when you are prompted for the password. This command presents a number of options for you to secure your database installation. Respond yes to all prompts unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.
Node setup

 Node setup

On all nodes other than the controller node, install the MySQL Python library:
# yum install MySQL-python

OpenStack packages

OpenStack packages

Distributions might release OpenStack packages as part of their distribution or through other methods because the OpenStack and distribution release times are independent of each other.
This section describes the configuration you must complete after you configure machines to install the latest OpenStack packages.
The examples in this guide use the OpenStack packages from the RDO repository. These packages work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, compatible versions of CentOS, and Fedora 20. To enable the RDO repository, download and install the rdo-release-icehouse package:
# yum install http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/openstack-icehouse/rdo-release-icehouse-3.noarch.rpm
The EPEL package includes GPG keys for package signing and repository information. This should only be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS, not Fedora. Install the latest epel-release package (see http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/repoview/epel-release.html). For example:
# yum install http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
The openstack-utils package contains utility programs that make installation and configuration easier. These programs are used throughout this guide. Install openstack-utils. This verifies that you can access the RDO repository:
# yum install openstack-utils
The openstack-selinux package includes the policy files that are required to configure SELinux during OpenStack installation on RHEL and CentOS. This step is not required during OpenStack installation on Fedora. Install openstack-selinux:# yum install openstack-selinux
Upgrade your system packages:
# yum upgrade
If the upgrade included a new kernel package, reboot the system to ensure the new kernel is running:
# reboot

 Messaging server

OpenStack uses a message broker to coordinate operations and status information among services. The message broker service typically runs on the controller node. OpenStack supports several message brokers including RabbitMQ, Qpid, and ZeroMQ. However, most distributions that package OpenStack support a particular message broker. This guide covers the message broker supported by each distribution. If you prefer to implement a different message broker, consult the documentation associated with it.
To install the message broker service
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Fedora use Qpid.
    # yum install qpid-cpp-server
To configure the message broker service
  • To simplify installation of your test environment, we recommend that you disable authentication.
    Edit the /etc/qpidd.conf file and change the following key:編輯此檔
To finalize installation
  • Start the message broker service and configure it to start when the system boots:
    # service qpidd start
    # chkconfig qpidd on
Congratulations, now you are ready to install OpenStack services!

