
KungFu Stick animation: Horse-Riding Step and Bow Step

Feb 17
KungFu Stick animation: Horse-Riding Step and Bow Step. 

Horse-Riding stance:
The Horse-Riding stance is a basic stance on the Chinese martial arts. The posture is like riding a horse. First, we stand with our feet a little more than shoulder-width apart and toe pointing forward. Then bend the knees to about 90 degrees. Make sure that the knees should not exceed the toes.

Bow Stance:
Then turn your body to the left. Shift the body weight to the lead foot and push off on the ball of your rear foot. Keep the rear leg straight. The rear foot is angled outward at a 45 degree angle. The lead foot points at 30-degrees inward. Bend the lead knee to about 90 degrees. It should not exceed the toes.

