

RJ Marzano 莫查諾
Core Thinking Skills 核心思考技巧:
Focusing Skills: 聚焦技巧
-Defining Problems 定義問題
-Setting Goals 設定目標
Information Gathering Skills: 資訊收集技巧
-Observing 觀察
-Formulating Questions 敘述問題
Remembering Skills: 記憶技巧
-Encoding 編碼
-Recalling 回想
Organizing Skills: 組織技巧
-Comparing 比較
-Classifying 分類
-Ordering 排序
-Representing 呈現
Analyzing Skills: 分析技巧
-Identifying Attributes and Components 指出屬性與成分
-Identifying Relationships and Patterns 指出關係與模式
-Identifying Main Ideas 指出主題
-Identifying Errors 指出錯誤
Generating Skills: 衍生技巧
-Inferring 推論
-Predicting 預測
-Elaborating 闡述
Integrating Skills: 整合技巧
-Summarizing 總結
-Restructuring 重組
Evaluating Skills: 評鑑技巧
-Establishing Criteria 建立標準
-Verifying 驗證

[書籍] Dimensions of Thinking: A Framework for Curriculum and Instruction.

RJ Marzano - 1988 - ERIC
... Robert J. Marzano is Director of Research at the Mid-continent Regional Educational laboratory
in ... These dimensions do not form a taxonomy They are neither discrete nor comparable categories ...
The first dimension, nzetacognition, refers to our awareness and control of our own ...
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